A place for physics, video games, philosophy, and beer.

12 October 2010

Need to Read: The Sunless Countries

Today, while browsing the stacks, another book caught my eye. Well, a bunch of books catch my eye everyday, but this one enthralled me.

In regards to how I choose books to read that I have never heard of, I go against the orthodoxy and will choose a book over another based on the cover. If the cover is gorgeous, peculiar, or original, I will generally read the book, and I have only been let down a few times by this method. I do read books with bland  covers or that even lack one, if I know what they are about beforehand.

So that is what first impacted me when I saw this book, the cover. As you can see it looks quite cool, at least if you are like me, you think so:

I read some of the reviews and mention that it has a steampunk setting, and as of late I am in a steampunk craze, playing through Resonance of Fate on the Xbox 360 and reading some of Jay Lake's Escapement

According to Amazon.com, the book in the fourth in a series, which makes me even more excited because it means I have a good chunk of time I can spend in the steampunk setting.

To end, I will leave off with some review quotes of this book:

“I loved it. It never slowed down.  The background is fascinating and the characters held my attention. It reminded me a little of The Integral Trees, with technology a little more advanced.”
--Larry Niven, author of The Juggler of Worlds, on Sun of Suns

“Schroeder…is proving to be one of our most ingenious devisers of exotic, fantastic settings as well as a spinner of ripping yarns….Schroeder’s world-building, storytelling, and character-drawing chops seem strong enough to give even Known Space a run for its money."
--Locus on Queen of Candesce

“[The] world-building continues to be impeccable, and the story’s timing is a fantastic tour de force of his creation.  The politics and structure of Virga continue to be a fine backdrop to some of the most entertaining space opera out there.”
--Booklist on Pirate Sun
-From Amazon.com

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