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13 September 2010

Timeline: 13 September 2010

Woke up at 7 AM to finish off the first quantum mechanics homework set. I did the first problem which was the easiest, but was a little shady on how to do the other two problems. All of the problems involved involved normalizing functions. The first function was
which was in itself quite easy to try and normalize, though it is un-normalizable, yet apparently useful information can be gained about it, though I do not know what.

The cafeteria was of course empty at such early times in the morning so I had that time to collect my thoughts and ponder the plan for the day.

Classical mechanics involved handing in the first out-of-the-book homework assignment which was challenging to some degree, providing me with some though-provoking questions.

Afternoon was somewhat horrendous because I realize the first lab report for Thermodynamics was due and I had not started typing anything yet. Luckily, it was the first lab of the year and was not very rigorous, thus the first lab report need not be too rigorous. Luckily I punched it out, albeit in multiple parts just to make formatting simpler. If you wish to read it here are the links: Body | Addendum 1 | Addendum 2 | References

Thermodynamics was then attended by me where we starting on the concept of temperature. The past few lectures we reviewed notes from the intro course and now we have started on the meat of the book we use known as Heat and Thermodynamics by Mark Zemansky and Richard Dittman. Pretty good book, though it is quite old and pretty formal with the mathematics.

My evening consisting of going to to work and then resting the remainder of the night. I have to assist the teaching of the Introduction to Astronomy class at 7:45 AM on 14 September 2010. Already yawning...

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